Obligatory World Wide Web location for the electronical musical stylings of The Snodgrass.
Sure, we could draft a map of the best shows Street Scene 2002 is offering. But, eschewing the myopic nature of music journalism (which we truly enjoy every other day of the year), we decided to open the doors to some of San Diego music’s primary players.
We asked them for their top three picks at this year’s event and a short response to, ‘Why?’ The results proved one thing: music people are crate-digging historians. They appreciate legend. Thus, James Brown, George Clinton and punk granddads Bad Religion got the most votes. As well, San Diego’s longest running rock enterprise, Rocket from the Crypt, notched a large share.
Anya Marina wanting to see some Convoy ass is as valid as J Snodgrass’ wish to throw “BT sucks” stickers at the DJ. The Locust’s Justin Pearson simply hates them all.
So here they are: some of San Diego’s music’s most interesting cats tell you where they’ll be during the big event. (And yielding to my god-given prerogative as music editor, I give you my cent and a half as well.)
DJ Snodgrass - Electronica Musician
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