Obligatory World Wide Web location for the electronical musical stylings of The Snodgrass.
A potent mix of muffled analog acid and ambient accents that flies low to push us through the new year.
According to The Snodgrass, Music for 1 Musician is “a collection of tracks semi-categorizable as chunky lethargic acid,” all of which were recorded in one take using a variety of digital and modular instruments. It features six tracks of mellow, sliced’n diced acidic warbling funk, all expertly mastered by none other than Vytear. You might jam to it in the background or turn it up loud at three in the morning in your neighborhood’s abandoned warehouse.
As fluid as it gets, the rolling rhythms and acid-soaked mayhem are in full throttle, and Jordan Snodgrass—aka San Diego-based sound designer who also runs the imputor? imprint—adds that there are “introspective long-tailed-reverb drones thrown in for good measure.” Ultimately, a potent mix of muffled analog acid and ambient accents that flies low to push us through the new year. Highlights include “Tamale Lady,” “Infill Development,” and “There Is A Light That Never Turns On.”
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